* 1 john 3.13-24 just a lil taste: "Do not be *surprised*, brothers that the world -hates you-. We know that we *have passed* OUT of (death) }into} LiFE, because we love the brothers...By this we know love, that [Christ] laid down his life for us !!!... By this we shall KNOW that we are *of the TRUTH* & REASSURE our heart before Him; for whenever (our heart) condemns us, God is GREATER than our (heart), and He *knows* EVERYTHiNG...we have CONFiDENCE before God...whoever KEEPS His commandments ABiDES in God, & God is in him..." {make you want to sing anyone?! * country music eric church's voice. miranda lambert's fierceness. jason aldean's lyrics. mmhm, keepin me tied to my room so i keep working *saturdays off LOVE fam breakfast- chores- homeness w the people dearest to my heart *free coffee starbucks kid: "i think i got this one..." me: um, wait what?! "no its fine! i even have a giftcard!" "oh well, too bad" an...