O praise Him...
when life is not-so-very-nice and crazy-beyond-all-sanity; it makes me more grateful than ever for the cross. the cross where a King laid His life down for me. while i was yet hating Him and wallowing in sin...the cross that bridged this terrible chasm of sin. this cross that tore the curtain separating God and man. o praise God for the cross! for now there is no chasm between the two, and we can have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. (!) as if that isn't enough to blow my mind, i am allowed-even commanded-to cast my burdens into His hands and draw from His strength! "Praise waiteth for thee, and to render it is my noblest exercise; This is thy due form all thy creatures, for all thy works dislay thy attributtes and fulfill thy designs; the sea, dry land, winter cold, summer heat, morning light, evening shade are full of thee, and thou givest me them richly to enjoy. Thou art King of kings and Lord of lords; At thy pleasure empires rise and fall; All t...