life. is. beautiful
no really. despite the silly angst i spew here, i truly believe life is lovely! cause of Jesus. first and foremost. i don't know how life would be worth living without His death, perfect life & resurrection making fellowship with God possible. i don't know how i'd find silver linings. i don't know how anything could be sweet without the steadiness of His love!
He gives so many little blessings. the simplest, everyday joys are sometimes the sweetest. doesn't take much to remind me how loved i am. or to make me smile. some seasons it takes more than others, true...i tend to come here when i'm overwhelmed, burdened by things i don't/can't/shouldn't verbalize to others. it ends up reflecting only the awfulness of me & the struggles of wanting to love Jesus. not so much His goodness or kindness or triumphs. i use the blank pages to sort out my tangles.
but i wanted a spot of brightness. so here's a written equivalent of a mason jar filled with yellow tulips...cue julie andrews singing "these are a few of my favorite things..." :
tulips! elegant white ones, cheering yellow, calm purple. espesh dramatic creamy ones with deep stripes of crimson bleeding through the petals...
tulips are my fave! but i confess i've the girly love of flowers. i appreciate the colour, shapes, textures and livingness of em
psalms. valley of vision.
driscoll--even though he makes me cringe as well
iced coffee. black, or with cream. such an evidence of grace. unless it gets sugared, then it's a test of MY grace...
LETTERS!! snail mail is the best ever.
my super comfy gray cardi from gap
besties. God's given me the privilege of living life with some of His most brilliant crown jewels. no exaggeration, i'm daily challenged/refreshed by one or more of those women! some are in my church, some are scattered across the state and even ga and vancouver.
windows-open weather
theme songs of the day with abs
driving on highways in a car with working music of some form--yay for roadtrips!
packers &gator football, oh baby
random story texts
good music! songs that take you out of yourself or get in your mind and spell out what you're feeling for you.
the sea. pictures of the sea, songs about the sea, going to the seashore, shells that remind me of the sea...a little bit in love with the ocean. maybe.
i could go on and on but probably should save some for later. see, i really do have life is beyond good. Jesus makes it beautiful. =)