this blog has been much neglected as of late.
it is probably a good thing, because i am in one of my thinking-way-to-hard-sorting-things-out seasons. God speaks in mysterious ways. it would only be a tangled mess on paper.
i am reading alot. listening alot. being silent alot. finding more questions than i can ever hope to answer and learning that sometimes they don't need answering. re-learning how to quiet my heart and be still before God.
it's a good place.


Abi said…
yes, it is a good place :)
B.L.S. said…
Whitney said…
hello... you should check out darkbluesunflowers :-) tell me what you think. I'm not going to put a personal blog... just quotes and pictures, but I think it will end up being more personal than anything i could have wrote myself. :-)
Whitney said…
thank you for your comment. :-) sorry for the false alarm about hanging out with you all on wednesday. :-) I need to get better about assumptions :-) lol.