
(last photo by beks)

Children. They're such living examples of God's goodness, are they not? That He would choose to create humans so as to start life so small and precious...
They're incredibly creative. I love their crazy logic. Their nonsensical thought process. Sometimes trying to figure out how to answer thier question is difficult, as you can't figure out exactly what they're asking you about. It's like walking through your best friend's house in the dark. It's familiar and you know it; but you're thrown off because you're so used to "seeing" it. (i'm not making sense. forget the poor analogy.)
Kids display God's patience in growing us "big people". Haha. How often when dealing with their sin do I find my own is just as involved in the problem! I'm amazed at how my attitude is reflected in their behavior. Days when I come to work not relying on His grace? Those are the days I wonder how much sleep they got...disruptions and delights fall on both days, but when I am full of His joy; the roughest day can run smooth.
I feel so blessed to have kids a part of my job. I've come to love both "my familes" dearly. I think they teach me more than I teach them...we'll see if I remember any of it when I have my 5. or 6. ;)
"Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." luke 18.16
{my apologies for ripping that verse out of context,but i think we all know background}


Anonymous said…
SO true!

they are such a blessing and when i don't rely on him and become self focused thats when the chaos starts.

i got your illustration.... i am tracking.
Anonymous said…
karawarnock; said…
beautiful post darling.

children are the best. such blessings and they often open my eyes.
you gotta love 'em.
Rebekah Schwab said…
aww! so precious! now I want to copy you and put up pictures of kids on my blog too.
Anonymous said…

You know most fair rides need an even number of people. Maybe you should round off to an even half dozen
Anonymous said…
no, cuz I want to go on the fair rides.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
what about Him. maybe he would like to ride, too.
Anonymous said…
we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...

who started this conversation anyway?!
Anonymous said…
hey! who's him are you talking about? those aren't going to start back up again, are they?
Anonymous said…
A hypothetical Him, one yet to be known, none from the past of other unfortunate young ladies.
Anonymous said…
this "guess" person is driving me crazy. the term "him" has been used before, for a specific person, so now some of us poor people are confused.
Anonymous said…
i thought this was about kids, not HIM... i seem to be a late poster...
da joshter said…
do i qualify as a kid becuase were all younger and growing shorter.