nothing redeeming in this post

THE DELL IS BACK!! here's a bit of randomness from yesterday's adventure before i go to a pharmacy and pick up pain(meds) for dad:

The best scenerio for eating cinnamon buns: Run out and buy (pick up irish cream coffee too) at your friendly neighborhood Albertson's. At midnight with 3 friends. Then you must go home and watch The Village while eating them and drinking coffee. Not sure how that makes them taste oh-so-much better, but it does. Probably the music more than anything else.

if your friends have older brothers, it's okay if your car runs out of gas. just so long as you tell them beforehand. (don't bother trying to explain how highly unrealistic thier logic is)

if you know somebody well enough, the two of you can plan a good prank using facial expressions and well-directed looks. verbal evasion might be neccessary, if the person you intend to prank is sitting between you. even if you don't carry it out, they'll be paranoid. I.e. "i hate it when you two get that sparkle in your eye! i never know if you're planning or if you've already done it!"

last but not least. biblical fellowship is possible at 2am. but after 3, don't even attempt to be serious. by then everything becomes hilarious. and you feel incredibly stupid, decide to not talk in an attempt to be quieter; yet all comes to naught if you so much as look at someone you're laughing again...

good times were had by all.


Delian said…
hahaha, aww thnx, I love you too dami!!

And I will tend to disagree with not being able to have biblical fellowship after 3 am... it's actually possible~however it depends on who you're with... and yes, if your with a bunch of girls it's highly unlikely ;)

Thank God for moms... I agree!!

I love coffee... aaahhh

I miss you dami... I should come and visit sometime (on second thought, that would cost way too much money, haha, someday though).

First to comment
MrsRoper said…
hahaha! you are amazing!! I will have to remember that biblical fellowship IS in fact still possible at 2 am... (but by three, its a hopeless cause, due to lack of available seriousness) haha!!!!!!!! NA is going to be FABULOUS!!!!! (despite the obvious lack of sleep that my occur) hahahahaha!
Love you!

*oh, and "hi Dell!" heehee*
Brittany said…
It is possible but highly unlikely!
Anonymous said…
biblical fellowship after 3am IS possible, in the unlikely event that someone starts convicting you at 2:30. (*aly*). it just wasn't the case this time. we were trying to pick up a serious conversation that wasnt' quite resolved...and considering it was a pretty tough's probably a good thing. i guess.
Brittany said…
I was up late too w/ friends but not that late.
BWells said…
She meant to say, "... pick up paint..." not pain.

Although I am too often a pain.
it is my gift...
Brittany said…
Hello Mr. Wells! How is the drumming coming along?
Anonymous said…
great. i am the best drummer the world has ever known. the church couldn't possibly survive without my talents...
Anonymous said…
NOT!!!! ok so the last comment wasn't really my dad, as everyone who knows anything about him would know; he would never think that! but i think he's doing good, getting better every time, and shouldn't feel bad about one mistake once in a while. keep it up dad!
Anonymous said…
For those of you who think that biblical fellowship is not possible after 3 a.m., let me give you just a small example of how very possible it is: Me, on the floor, laughing, shaking and crying all at the same time with three of my girlfriends praying over me! I only got three hours of sleep that night, but it was worth it!