the gift of brothers

Brothers. What would life be without them? Calmer? Maybe. Certainly boring. Sometimes we talk about brothers like they're aliens sent for our sanctification. In reality they're a precious gift. I can't imagine life without my little-and not so little-brothers.
Sometimes they are incomprehensible. Other times you look over and know exactly what he's thinking, causing you to burst into laughter at seemingly nothing. Bros know how to push your buttons just right till you get mad-but in such a way that you're laughing to hard to do much about it. They make incessant fun of you for getting upset; but in doing so remind you that it really doesn't matter in light of eternity. They hate to see you sad and will do anything to cheer you up. They can't find anything: They'll stand in the middle of a room saying "I can't find it" until you walk in and see it somewhere obvious. They're always willing to help you with something technical. They teach you more than you ever wanted to know about guys. If you try to explain how girls think, you get a blank stare of confusion. Later they surprise you by doing exactly what you need when you need it. (making you wonder how much they know and don't let on to...) They give you the ability to laugh hysterically at your friends from all-female-families. They break into a wrestling match in the middle of your room, create an authentic-looking war zone.

There is a point to this gushy rambling. J, (my not so little brother) is 14. He'll be driving next year! I remember when he was just a toddler, happily following me into whatever trouble I found. He's becoming a God-honoring guy. I can't wait to see how God uses him. He has stuck with the piano 4 years and never given up. He's a better artist than I could ever hope to be. He's got good rhythm--fools around on the drum set in the garage and gets a good beat going. When I take him somewhere, he's willing to stick up for me in any situation. He can be thoughtful. He's quite creative--in such a completely different way from me that his insight brings a perspective I'd never think of.
I want to thank him for being such a great "little" brother. After all, I'M STILL TALLER!! 2inches may not seem like much but it counts.

Happy Birthday. I love you. Thanks for all the laughter-and sanctification- you've given us. I'm proud of you (maybe in a few years we'll have a youth least a pianist...i'm counting on you)

~still the kangaroo

{off to find a present. aaacck!}


Anonymous said…
I'm so touched!I love you(but not enough to let you cut my eyelashes off!;)

Thank you Kangaroo!
Anonymous said…
uhm-Damaris um he is actually 1 inch shorter.
Anonymous said…
I guess my family would be one of those all girl families you would be laughing at.
Anonymous said…
I'm not offended in any way. I thought I might add that after I read my last comment.
Brittany said…
Very encouraging post, Damaris.
Anonymous said…
oh no! I don't laugh at all girl families!! I love them! There are just times when they are so clueless you can't help laughing at the things they say. Sorry.
I just think that having bros and sisters is best, but I'm biased.

(not that it matters. we'll always be clueless about guys in some ways. it's just the way God made them. and us)
Brittany said…
I've basically got an even mixture of both.
Anonymous said…
i think I DON'T no abowt any of this.
Josh Sczebel said…
HAHA. oh mothers are so exact. HAHA. only 1 inch HAHA.
that is like two weeks of growing for a fourteen year old boy dams. better find a box to stand on. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSIAH.
Brittany said…
Maybe he'll sprout up next year.
Anonymous said…
Thanks josh!I'll find damaris a huge box!
Brittany said…
Or some heels.
Aly Sczebel said…
dami in heels? umm... hahaha! sorry! happy birthday!
Aly Sczebel said…
brothers are awesome
Anonymous said…
guess what. i do wear heels on occasion. and guess what else...i have a pair of 3inch boots. they don't look like normal boots. and i wear them all the time in winter.

don't fall over in shock ali...haha.
Anonymous said…
and when she wears them and im in flats, shes almost as tall as me! amazing!
MrsRoper said…
a few thoughts...

the closest thing i have to brothers is josh and joe... and they do their job quite well!!

and dami, i promise to bring only flats to NA... that way i won't tower too terribly... haha! jk!

Love you!
Brittany said…
I wear flats most of the time but I still tower over most people.
Anonymous said…
No heels here.
Brittany said…
In Canada or your house?
Anonymous said…
On my feet.
Brittany said…
Haha. I hope not.
Anonymous said…
how tall are you brittany?
Anonymous said…
_ down.
Anonymous said…
_ UP.
Brittany said…
Roughly 5 9'
Anonymous said…