'how aboat vancouver'

can i talk 'aboat' it? oh yikes i could go on foreverandever aboat it. surrey bc is in my head and crossway community church in particualar. *sigh* i miss those hosers. so why not Vancouver? No reason. I can't think of a bad one. why didn't i say that in my last post? oh i remember...
I was not about to give annoying *people* the satisfaction of knowing their evil plot to make floridians move north is working... haha. I have a confession to make. When my fam was in Maine this May ((seems random but bear with)) I thought "I could almost live here. But too cloudy; and I'd miss my friends too much". In Canada, when I saw Whycliffe Park I thought "I could SO live here." Wednesday when I saw the sunset over the Pacific Ocean I decided "I'm moving". It's all up to God. I admit it'd be hard to leave Metro. Yet I'm leaving in 3mons anyway. When I move I'm stealing Beks. Or not. She'll say "how fast are you speeding" every 10 miles. (haha she never says "are you" but "how fast") OOOHH STINK!! holy crepe i can't believe i said that. sound like quiche lorraine:) java java java... random memories of canada:
1) never any overhead damage in pat sczebel's 'girl' van. only cooler damage.
2) aly & i laughing so hard we could hardly walk as i literally carried asleep lauren up the front steps.
3) U2 and coldplay. best ever
4) chocolate and starbucks-- strawberry lemonadas don't make good breakfasts
5)amber's lights haha
6)taking michelle gagnon home: "smells like sears!" "you're right! it does smell like sears!"
7)pat almost running stephen over with the gutless wonder

8)adam is captain of the guard. and i never had to see a scary house again.
9) *big noses* !!
10) blowing ballons up with smarties. hope some of my flying smartie footage stays in.



Anonymous said…
i am missing aly...she is making me laugh....i love that girl!!

"flippin' ya!"
Anonymous said…
where are you going dams?
Anonymous said…
where am i going...well i almost went home not 10 mon. ago. our power went out then on adn i was just turning off the computer and the mouse tingled my hand. in fact my whole body is tingling...i dont like it.
Anonymous said…
**ooops i meatn "min" as in minutes not "mon" as in months
haha life as a dylexic is great...
Anonymous said…
Ok. Yeah. I liked the pictures. Josh and I were out by whytecliffe park the other day. Nice place. did you eat a crab? I don't anymore. I gave it up after the last E-team. It's all hype.
Brittany said…
I will NEVER eat a live crab.
Anonymous said…
I won't either. NO NO NO.
Anonymous said…
i almost did. i wanted too just so i could say i had (hahaha) but the only ones i caught were quater size and that is just too big for me. jess, taylor and joby did. and i will if your family takes me to the chief and let me hang...hahahaha
Brittany said…
Hey Lauren, did you go to church?
Anonymous said…
Brittany said…
Sounds like some inside joke.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I did go to church. How are your mom and Joseph doing?
Anonymous said…
They showed a picture of him. He's soooo cute!
Anonymous said…
joey. hahahahahhaa. good nickname for a youngish one.
Brittany said…
We are planning on calling him Joseph, and he is home now.
Anonymous said…
how about Josephus?
Anonymous said…
This totally got off the canada theme.
Josh Sczebel said…
ahh canada. you know you want too. its that whole will of God thing.........

***joke.please don't take that.........um.....no that was a bad joke.......one sec.....rephrase.....

ahh canada. you know you want too. but God is in control. don't be swayed by stupid canadians.

that sounded better.
Brittany said…
Hahaha. And no, Joe, I don't think we will be calling him Josephus. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.
Anonymous said…
No Josephus? What? hahahaha. I know. It's a weird one. hahahahahahhaa. That makes it funny though. Funny nicknames, like als, are the best.
Brittany said…
Josephus, Joseph, Joey and Joe. We have plenty of choices.
Anonymous said…
wow you pretty much named him after my bro...esp. if you call him joey...
Brittany said…
I know!!! He even looks like him! Maybe we should change his name................................:-)
Anonymous said…
i notice in your list of things you'd miss I wasn't included...

just kiddin ya;)
Brittany said…
Doesn't she see you all the time so how could she miss you?
Brittany said…
Oh yeah, we named him Joseph but we will probably call him Joey.
Anonymous said…
This is so off topic.
Brittany said…
But somehow it got to be the commenting topic.
Anonymous said…
Perhaps. oh for a little time. I have too much to do in the morning and not enough time. That was a ramdom conclusion. hahahahaha. oh yeah, Dams if you come to Canada we'll show you all of the better spots that we didn't get to with the E-team. Like Whistler (site of the 2010 winter olympics), Squamish (site of the Chief), Deep Cove, Redwood Park (I don't know why that place is cool, it just is), zero avenue (the road that runs on the border to the US), and lots of other crazed places. On the E-Team there's never enough time.
Brittany said…
Hmmm, maybe we can go for the Olymipcs.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Dami, you really have to stop talking about my lights! =^)
Brittany said…