"you'll never know what it means to me..."

Happy birthday Bekah-Boo; Happy Birthday to you!!

Once you're 18 they kick you out of Neverland...just kidding. Your imagination's good enough. You can stay 'till 21.:) When that happens you can sail away to cahoots...haha...did i ever tell you that is a real word? And it means "to be in league with"; not a tropical island... Sorry. No! This is't supposed to be funny! I am trying to honor her.

Seriously, Rebekah. You've been such a blessing from God in my life these past 14 years. (that's how long we've known each other, right?) Thanks for being my first girl friend; and my "bosom friend". (haha) God's used you countless ways in my life. To encourage and convict. Thank you for all the times you point out my sin and drag me out when I withdrawl. Thanks for making me smile when I feel like crying. Thanks for making me laugh so hard I do cry. Thanks for all of the memories, inside jokes, laughs, and yes the few tears. Thanks for all the times you've embarressed the heck out of me and for forgiving me when I did it to you. Thanks for helping me prank the deserving and not-so-deserving. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate my brothers. (anytime you think you want one; come over.)
Thanks for being everything God knew I needed in a best friend. Including sanctification...

Our childhood was great, eh?
You always say "Steph and I played quietly together. Then we met you and had crazy games". But ya'll had just as much imagination; you were just waiting to use it with me. Some of our games were admittedly strange. Like Jews escaping Germans; and the whole whipping thing. Some of the things we did were pretty dangerous. Like nearly suffocating ourselves. Haha. Good times. Who thought that up?! Boy am I glad you never "got smart" and started running the opposite direction if I said "I have a good idea"...Sorry for all the times I got you into trouble. And blamed both of us. But hey, you didn't have to follow me...

Basically, I'm trying to tell you how much I love you and appreciate you. As seriously as possible. Seen any peaches lately? You know I am always there for you....no matter where "there" is. I guess you're laughing by now. At least smiling. (No matter how hard you try not to I can always make you smile. dorkamatic)

Have a good day; eat some chocolate; don't think of blue elephants (purple is ok)and remember: you belong to the Lord. He is pleased in his children who follow hard after Him. Especially when they can't see where the path is leading. But follow anyway. Be encouraged! You bring glory to God with your life and shine like a star in this darkened world. Keep it up.

{{dedicated to pippin took--prov.18:24b}}


Anonymous said…
Thankyou so much. I am almost crying (tho you know that doesnt take much). i dont know what to say. i love you all so much!
Anonymous said…
wow. Happy Birthday.
Anonymous said…
woah, what happened? it looks like i deleted the previous comment.
Anonymous said…
did you?
Anonymous said…
i dont know, when i posted my first comment, the one the wells put up disapeared. sorry!
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday bekah!it seems like just yesterday we were videotaping you and damaris doing silly things,wait,that was just yesterday!
overthinker said…
no, josiah spelt bekah w/ a c so i deleted it and made him rewrite it.

HI pink.
Anonymous said…
thanks, my little brothers who are not so little anymore.
Anonymous said…
yo b;
Anonymous said…
why does that always seem to happen?
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday to my second "older sister".
overthinker said…
yo jo

why does what always seem to happen?
Anonymous said…
siblings get old.
Anonymous said…
somehow. I don't get it.
overthinker said…
yeah, me either.
overthinker said…
except noah is not old. he is only 7. jos is old...
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Josh is old even though he doesn't always seem it.
overthinker said…
normalness, really
Anonymous said…
overthinker said…
NO i didn't mean "josh" your bro!! I meant "jos" my bro. i call him that instead of josiah.
Anonymous said…
cruelty. and when he's not here.

I repent.
Anonymous said…
I know. I was talking about the sczebelianist josh
overthinker said…
sorry that you had to endure all that nastiness to get the apples. getting stuck in london and all...
overthinker said…
the truth isn't cruel

Anonymous said…
that's ok/ Narnia was nice and I always wanted to go to europe.
Anonymous said…
hahaha;/ that's good. but it truly can be.
Anonymous said…
oh. The old hoser is back.
Anonymous said…
hey Joel. I thought I would introduce myself. I'm Betty's mom.
of course I don't cqll her Betty. would you like to know my name for her?
Anonymous said…
wow, these are just fun to read the conversations people have betwixt themselves.

Thanks Bre, sister #5 (?)(I have so many)
Anonymous said…
You are calling me an old hoser?!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi betty's mom.
Sure I'd love to hear another one of her many nicknames.
Anonymous said…
the fifty year old guy.
Anonymous said…
joel, how can you say your brother is old? i thought you were the same age? wierdness
Anonymous said…
if your going to call me names I'm not telling you.
Anonymous said…
I didn't even know you were there.

ha.\\\ Someone told me I was 17 with a fifty year old guy inside, and I left him in Narnia, but he just got back/
Anonymous said…
I think he was talking about me.
Anonymous said…
yes, tell damaris' other names... or i can too... i know lots... Muahahahaha!
Anonymous said…
hey I was just josh'n ya.
I will have to think if the risks of injury are worth the fun of teasing her
Anonymous said…
I don't even know how the "betty" name started.
Anonymous said…
I think it was Canadian of origin.
Anonymous said…
hahahahahahaha me mother left. i just ate 2 peices of piazaa while looking at the computer screen luaghing hystercally. 3-way blogging is best.
Anonymous said…
"somewhere past this setting sun.."
Anonymous said…
your dad started it. the second morn' come out of the house and he leans out the van and yells "yo betty, get in the van!"
overthinker said…
because he coudlnt' remember my name!! niether could josh. hahaha you probably couldn't either but never admitted it.
Anonymous said…
hahaha. yeah. I had nothing to do with it.
Anonymous said…
bekah boo where art thou?

you can talk too ya know. you probably fell of teh chair laughing
Anonymous said…
No creativity here. I build on the stones that other's have laid.
Anonymous said…
not true...what about the tootsie pops that grow on trees??

Anonymous said…
I really think that there are very few creative people that have ever lived.
Anonymous said…
ok; an original thought. it was probably my first.
Anonymous said…
yeah, i guess yur right. so am not creative..i just have enough imagination for like 10 people...

Anonymous said…

no, i think that electricity was your first. this is your second.
Anonymous said…
"so *i am not creative"
Anonymous said…
Imagination isn't necessarily creativity, cause it is still built upon what you know, and what others have made up.
Anonymous said…
i am back. i was otherwise occupied with the food on my plate.
Anonymous said…
hahaha; But I'm building on the knowledge that other's have tried and failed, and i just want to shift the methods a bit.
Anonymous said…
it is so hard to keep up with ya'll
Anonymous said…
Food is a gift. Apparently we would starve without it.
Anonymous said…
i wasn't saying i was creative because i had imagination.

CS Lewis was truly creative; as was Tolkien but they both kinda built off eachother....or so it seemed to me. actually tolkien took alot of hsi stuff from those northern people the what's thier names...
overthinker said…
waht are you eating? im eatin piazza.
Anonymous said…
hahaha;. yall. hahahahahahahaha.]]

never will i say it.
Anonymous said…
by the time i post something, 3 other sentences have gone up.
Anonymous said…
NO!!!!!!!! pizza!!!!!!????
Anonymous said…

now that was NOT your third original thought....hahahaha
Anonymous said…
a half of a left over sweet potato
overthinker said…
YES why you dont like piazza?
overthinker said…
NO i love sweet potatoes!!!
Anonymous said…
oh, btw- my monopoly game ended when Moses decided to make it his bed- i think tyler won, jack spent most of his money.
overthinker said…
oh gosh. i say YEs and then No. hahahahaha waht a hoser... and
Anonymous said…
i want pizza
overthinker said…
soudns like jack. uuummm.....how did ty get ot your house...??
Anonymous said…
it takes forever for me to scroll down- 71 comments!!
overthinker said…
joe, you never answered me.
Anonymous said…
i dont know, he flew- his gamepiece was Dumbo after all
Anonymous said…
clarification- it was Disney Monopoly
Anonymous said…
merry, i thought you had school to do. get back to work so you can come over!
Anonymous said…
gosh ppl, where did you go? i get back and you all leave.