when sleep isn't practical, coffee will suffice
here it is, the obligatory post-NA recap. It's always difficult to write these things. Partly because I'm still processing everything. Partially-processed thoughts don't translate well to words. But I'll try. One word description of New Attitude '08: refreshing . Longer version: Fellowship, worship, messages, small groups...they all combined to make one huge downpour of grace for my thirsty soul. I couldn't soak it up fast enough. One night, Josh Harris read Isaiah 53 to a 17-member string section. It was breathtaking. Worship was led by the NA band-led itself by Devon and Bob Kauflin . We learned "Nail My Glory", "All I Have is Christ" and a few other newish songs from the Looked Upon (Lu) album. The theme this year was "The Word of God." "If the Bible really is God's word, Then we're called to delight in it and obey it." Good stuff, eh? Everything we heard was on this topic. I can't give you a rundown of eve...